Statistical Rethinking Colearning 2023

NOTE: website format taken from Alec Robitaille

Third round of Statistical Rethinking colearning, this time with 2024 lectures and homework.

The first round of Statistical Rethinking colearning (2022) is available here.

The second round of Statistical Rethinking colearning (2023) is available here.



Meeting date Reading Lectures
25 January Chapters 1, 2 and 3 [1] <Science Before Statistics> <Slides>
[2] <Garden of Forking Data> <Slides>
08 February Chapter 4 [3] <Geocentric Models> <Slides>
[4] <Categories and Curves> <Slides>
22 February Chapters 5 and 6 [5] <Elemental Confounds> <Slides>
[6] <Good and Bad Controls> <Slides>
07 March Chapters 7 and 8 [7] <Overfitting> <Slides>
[8] <MCMC> <Slides>
21 March Chapters 9, 10 and 11 [9] <Modeling Events> <Slides>
[10] <Counts and Confounds> <Slides>
04 April Chapters 11 and 12 [11] <Ordered Categories> <Slides>
[12] <Multilevel Models> <Slides>
18 April Chapter 13 [13] <Multilevel Adventures> <Slides>
[14] <Correlated Features> <Slides>
2 May Chapter 14 [15] <Social Networks> <Slides>
[16] <Gaussian Processes> <Slides>
16 May Chapter 15 [17] Measurement Error
[18] Missing Data
30 May Chapters 16 and 17 [19] Beyond GLMs: State-space Models, ODEs
[20] Horoscopes


Meeting date Homework Solutions
1 February Homework 1 Solutions
15 February Homework 2 Solutions
29 February Homework 3 Solutions
14 March Homework 4 Solutions
28 March Homework 5 Solutions
11 April Homework 6 Solutions
25 April Homework 7 Solutions
9 May Homework 8 Solutions
23 May Homework 9 Solutions
30 May Homework 10 Solutions

Participant notes and homework solutions


Additional material using other packages or languages

See Richard’s comments about these here:

2022 colearning:

Also, Alec’s notes and solutions of the 2019 material: and


Package specific install directions. We’ll update these as we go!




V8, needed for the dagitty package

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.