Lecture 01 - The Golem of Prague


Isabella C. Richmond


Invalid Date

Rose / Thorn

Rose: I LOVE DAGS. Really interesting to think about the non-uniqueness of null models in ecology.

Thorn: the difference between regression/intervention – have i always just done regression?

Third Edition

  • peach boxes instead of blue boxes

Causal Inference

  • statistical models require scientific (causal) models
  • correlation is a very limited measure of association
    • association can occur without correlation
  • causation requires intervention - it is not just the behaviour without intervention
  • causal prediction = prediction of the consequences of an intervention (implications of changing one variable on another variable)
    • knowing the cause of an action allows you to create predictions
    • what happens if I do this?
  • causal imputation = knowing the cause of an action allows you to reconstruct possible outcomes (i.e., what if I had done something else?)
  • Even for description, causal models are required


  • abstract causal models: includes names of variables and their causal relationships
  • tells you the consequences of an intervention
  • tells you what you can decide/ask without additional assumptions
  • facilitates you asking scientific questions
  • each causal query requires a different model


  • statistical models = golems
  • often not possible to design and outline a null hypothesis that is meaningful to reject in observational science
    • what is a null ecological community?
  • think of good example/explanation for no null ecology/previous two slides
    • takeaway is that null hypothesis does not give you cause/process behind outcome
  • what is your null? is it unique?