Lecture 03 - Geocentric Models


Isabella C. Richmond


February 8, 2023

Rose / Thorn

Rose: Non-independent variables in a summary table

Thorn: Stupid resolution to my plot coding issue

Linear Regressions

  • essentially a geocentric model - overly simplified
  • separate from a causal model
  • associations are from the causal model, not the statistical model

Gaussian Distributions

  • there are many more ways to end up in the center than to end up on the periphery
  • why the Gaussian distribution spontaneously occurs in natural systems
  • generative: if we add fluctuations, we tend towards normal distribution (lots of summed fluctuations in nature)
  • inferential: estimating mean and variance, normal distribution is best one to use because it is least informative (no other information present)
  • normal distribution is just a tool for estimating mean/variance because it has widest distribution
    • data doesn’t have to be normal to be able to leverage the tool to estimate mean/variance


  1. State a clear question
  2. Sketch causal assumptions
  3. Define generative model from sketch
  4. Use generative model to build estimator
  5. Profit

Describing Models

= is deterministic

  • ~ is distributional

Howell Example

  1. Question/Estimand: Describe association between adult weight and height
d2 <- Howell1[Howell1$age>=18,]
  1. Scientific model: weight is some function of height and unobserved influences
d <- dagitty("dag {
                H -> W
                U -> W


\[ W = f(H, U) \]

  1. Generative/Statistical model
  • Two options: dynamic (complex and ongoing) and static

    • Static model allows us to imagine changes at specific times and still use a Gaussian distribution
  • For adults, weight is a proportion of height plus the influence of unobserved causes

\[ W = \beta H+U \]

sim_weight <- function(H, b, sd){
  U <- rnorm(length(H), 0, sd)
  W <- b*H + U

H <- runif(200, min = 130, max = 170)
W <- sim_weight(H, b = 0.5, sd = 5)
plot(W ~ H, col = 2, lwd = 3)

  • can adjust to produce biologically unrealistic relationships by adjusting b to be large or small

\[ W_i = \beta H_i + U_i \\ U_i \sim Normal(0, \sigma) \\ H_i \sim Uniform(130, 170) \]

  • ~ indicates distribution

  • = is deterministic

  • we want to estimate how the average weight changes with height

    \[ E(W_{i}|H_{i}) = \alpha + \beta H_{i} \]

  • \(E(W_{i}|H_{i})\) = average weight conditional on height

  • \(\alpha\) = intercept (when height is 0, what is weight? Scientifically should be zero but putting it in model to make sure our model is scientifically sound)

  • \(\beta\) = slope

  • Posterior distribution:

    • \[ Pr(\alpha,\beta,\sigma| H_{i}, W_{i}) = \frac{Pr(W_{i}|H_{i}, \alpha,\beta,\sigma)Pr(\alpha,\beta,\sigma)}{Z} \]

    • alpha, beta, sigma are our three unknowns: alpha and beta define the line and sigma defines the error around it

    • unknowns are conditional (|) on the data Hi and Wi

    • alpha, sigma, beta are unknown so we need a posterior distribution for them (and they are dependent on the data)

    • \(Pr(\alpha,\beta,\sigma| H_{i}, W_{i})\) = posterior probability of specific line

    • \(Pr(W_{i}|H_{i}, \alpha,\beta,\sigma)\) = probability of each weight dependent on height value, alpha, beta, sigma (garden of forking data)

    • \(Pr(\alpha,\beta,\sigma)\) = prior

    • Z = normalizing constant

    • \(W_{i} \sim Normal(\mu _{i}), \sigma)\): linear model

    • \(\mu _{i} = \alpha + \beta H_{i}\)

  • Quadratic approximation (continuous version of grid approximation)

    • approximate posterior distribution as a multivariate Gaussian distrubution

    • posteriors are often Gaussian

    • \(W_{i} \sim Normal(\mu _{i}), \sigma)\)

    • \(\mu _{i} = \alpha + \beta H_{i}\)

    • \(\alpha \sim Normal(0,10)\)

    • \(\beta \sim Uniform(0,1)\)

    • \(\sigma \sim Uniform(0, 10)\)

H <- runif(10, 130, 170)
W <- sim_weight(H, b = 0.5, sd = 5)

m3.1 <- quap(alist(
  W ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  mu <- a + b*H,
  a ~ dnorm(0, 10),
  b ~ dunif(0, 1),
  sigma ~ dunif(0, 10)
), data = list(W=W, H=H))
  • Priors

    • we want to constrain to scientifically plausible values
    • justify with information outside the data - like the rest of model
    • priors have no essential differences from posteriors except for data – we can use them as generative models and ensure that our assumptions are reasonable
n <- 1e3
a <- rnorm(n, 0, 10)
b <- runif(n, 0, 1)
plot(NULL, xlim = c(130, 170), ylim = c(50, 90)) + 
for (j in 1:50) abline(a=a[j], b=b[j], col = 'red') 

  1. Validate model
  • test statistical model with simulated observations from scientific model - need to test if your model is working

  • use many values and make sure your model responds appropriately

# model summary
           mean         sd        5.5%      94.5%
a     0.6093014 9.50424778 -14.5803222 15.7989250
b     0.5045905 0.06551189   0.3998898  0.6092911
sigma 6.1344656 1.35444780   3.9697964  8.2991347
  1. Analyze data
dat <- list(W = d2$weight, H = d2$height)
m3.2 <- quap(alist(
  W ~ dnorm(mu, sigma),
  mu <- a + b*H,
  a ~ dnorm(0, 10), 
  b ~ dunif(0, 1),
  sigma ~ dunif(0, 10)
), data = dat)

             mean         sd       5.5%       94.5%
a     -43.7106844 4.17274593 -50.379538 -37.0418305
b       0.5738951 0.02696368   0.530802   0.6169883
sigma   4.2584569 0.16227623   3.999108   4.5178056
  • parameters are not independent of one another, they cannot be independently interpreted

    • use posterior predictions and describe/interpret those by sampling the posterior distribution
  • Posterior Predictive Distribution

post <- extract.samples(m3.2)
plot(d2$height, d2$weight) + 
for (j in 1:20) abline(a=post$a[j], b=post$b[j])

height_seq <- seq(130, 190, len = 20)
W_postpred <- sim(m3.2, data = list(H=height_seq))
W_PI <- apply(W_postpred, 2, PI)

plot(d2$height, d2$weight) + 
for (j in 1:20) abline(a=post$a[j], b=post$b[j]) +
lines(height_seq, W_PI[1,], lty = 2) +
lines(height_seq, W_PI[2,], lty = 2)
