Lecture 02 - The Garden of Forking Data


Isabella C. Richmond


January 23, 2023

Rose / Thorn

Rose: understanding the predictive posterior this time

Thorn: what if you don’t know your misclassification rate

Globe Example

estimand: proportion of the globe covered in water - do people know what an estimand is?

  • a research/scientific question

estimator: statistical way of producing an estimate

  • generative model tests your estimator

Generative Model (globe)

  • p = proportion of water
  • W = water observations
  • N = number of tosses
  • L = land observations
  • N influences W and L because higher tosses means higher numbers
  • start with how the variables influence each other, i.e., causal model
    • start conceptually, with science
    • intervention on N is also an intervention on W and L
Loading required package: cmdstanr
This is cmdstanr version 0.7.1
- CmdStanR documentation and vignettes: mc-stan.org/cmdstanr
- CmdStan path: C:/Users/I_RICHMO/Documents/.cmdstan/cmdstan-2.34.1
- CmdStan version: 2.34.1
Loading required package: posterior
This is posterior version 1.5.0

Attaching package: 'posterior'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    mad, sd, var
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    %in%, match
Loading required package: parallel
rethinking (Version 2.40)

Attaching package: 'rethinking'
The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

d <- dagitty("dag {
                p -> W
                p -> L
                N -> W 
                N -> L }")


\[ W,L = f(p,N) \]

  • W and L are functions of p and N
  • DAGs are not generative, but they make causal models which allow us to make generative models
    • they represent functional relationships

Bayesian Data Analysis

For each possible explanation of the sample,

  1. count all the ways the sample could happen (given a particular explanation)

  2. explanations with more ways to produce the sample are more plausible

Garden of Forking Data

  • relies on samples being independent

  • relative differences between probabilities are dependent on sample size (differences will be smaller with smaller sample sizes because there is less evidence)

  • normalizing to probability allows for interpretability and easier math

  • collection of probabilities is a posterior distribution

sample <- c("W", "L", "W", "W", "W", "L", "W", "L", "W")

W <- sum(sample=="W")
L <- sum(sample=="L")
p <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
ways <- sapply(p, function(q) (q*4)^W * ((1-q)*4)^L)
prob <- ways/sum(ways)
cbind(p, ways, prob)
        p ways       prob
[1,] 0.00    0 0.00000000
[2,] 0.25   27 0.02129338
[3,] 0.50  512 0.40378549
[4,] 0.75  729 0.57492114
[5,] 1.00    0 0.00000000
sim_globe <- function(p = 0.7, N = 9){
  sample(c("W", "L"), size = N, prob = c(p, 1-p), replace = T)

[1] "L" "L" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "L" "L"


  • have to test
  • test using extreme values where you intuitively know the right answer
  • explore different sampling design
sim_globe <- function(p = 0.7, N = 9){
  sample(c("W", "L"), size = N, prob=c(p, 1-p), replace = T)

[1] "W" "W" "L" "W" "W" "L" "W" "W" "W"
sim_globe(p=1, N=11) 
 [1] "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W" "W"
sum(sim_globe(p=0.5, N=1e4) == "W")/1e4
[1] 0.5021



make_bar <- function(q,size=20) {
    n <- round(q*size)
    s1 <- concat( rep("#",n) )
    s2 <- concat( rep(" ",size-n) )

compute_posterior <- function(the_sample, poss = c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)){
  W <- sum(the_sample=="W")
  L <- sum(the_sample=="L")
  ways <- sapply(poss, function(q) (q*4)^W * ((1-q)*4)^L)
  post <- ways/sum(ways)
  bars <- sapply(post, function(q) make_bar(q))
  data.frame(poss, ways, post = round(post,3), bars)

  poss ways  post                 bars
1 0.00    0 0.000                     
2 0.25   27 0.021                     
3 0.50  512 0.404 ########            
4 0.75  729 0.575 ###########         
5 1.00    0 0.000                     

Real Number Sampling

  • more possibilities = less probability in each option/outcome

    • probability is spread out across many options
  • normalizing to probability allows our equation to calculate infinite number of “sides”/outcomes

    • \[ p^W(1-p)^L \]

    • p = probability

    • density = probability when we are assessing infinite number of possibilities

  • shape of the posterior embodies sample size

    • no min sample size -> just more uncertain posterior

    • posterior distribution embodies sample size

  • no point estimates! estimate is entire posterior distribution

    • can use summary points from post dist for communication purposes
  • intervals are merely indicators of the shape of the posterior distribution

    • no “true interval” i.e., 95% CI doesn’t exist

    • interval is just distribution lower/upper bounds

Analyze Sample + Summarize

post_samples <- rbeta(1e3, 6+1, 3+1)

dens(post_samples, lwd = 4, col = 2, xlab = "prop water", adj = 0.1)

curve(dbeta(x, 6+1, 3+1), add = T, lty = 2, lwd = 3)

  • posterior prediction = “what would we bet?”

    • how many W’s do we expect to see in the next 10 tosses
  • for each sample of post dist, we can create a predictive distribution, then posterior predictive

    • incorporates uncertainty from posterior distribution
post_samples <- rbeta(1e4, 6+1, 3+1)

pred_post <- sapply(post_samples, function(p) 
sum(sim_globe(p, 10)=="W"))

tab_post <- table(pred_post)

#for (i in 0:10) lines(c(i,i),c(0,tab_post[i+1]), lwd = 4, col = 4)

Misclassification (Bonus Round)

  • W* is misclassified due to sampling error and measurement process

    • true W is unknown

d <- dagitty("dag {
                p -> W
                N -> W
                W -> Wm
                M -> Wm


  • incorporate measurement error with x (error rate of 10%)
sim_globe2 <- function(p = 0.7, N = 9, x = 0.1){
  true_sample <- sample(c("W", "L"), size = N, prob = c(p, 1-p), replace = T)
  obs_sample <- ifelse(runif(N) < x,
                       ifelse(true_sample == "W", "L", "W"),
  • how do you know the error rate?

  • don’t understand mechanism behind incorporating x but understand why x needs to be incorporated + consequences of not