Lecture 07 - Fitting Over & Under


Isabella C. Richmond


March 6, 2024

Rose / Thorn

Rose: prediction is different from causal inference

Thorn: could be clearer that this is all about prediction/have an example for prediction

Problems of Prediction

  • what function describes the data (fitting, compression)

  • what functions explains these points (causal inference)

  • what would happen if we changed the data (intervention)

  • what is the next observation from the same process (prediction)

    • prediction is the absence of intervention

    • prediction does not require causal inference

  • Leave-one-out cross-validation

      1. drop one point
      2. fit line to remaining
      3. predict dropped point
      4. repeat (1) with next point
      5. score is error on dropped
    • task you use to assess the expected predictive accuracy of a statistical procedure

    • score in: fit to the sample / score out: fit to prediction

    • LPPD (log posterior probability of observation) used for cross-validation because it includes the entire posterior

    • more flexible patterns generally perform better in sample and worse out of sample (at least for simple models)


  • for simple models (no hyperparameters), more parameters improves fit to sample BUT may reduce accuracy of predictions out of sample

  • accurate models trade off flexibility with overfitting

  • there’s usually an optimal flexibility


  • regular means learning the important/regular features of the sample - not getting too excited by every datapoint

  • regularization improves models, where loo just compares models (can both be bad)

  • overfitting depends upon the priors

  • don’t be too excited about every point in the sample, because not every point in the sample is regular (not all points are representative)

  • skeptical priors regularize models/inference - have tighter variance that reduces flexibility

    • downweights improbable values
  • skeptical priors improve model prediction - regularize so that models learn regular features and ignore irregular features

    • there is such a thing as too tight priors for model prediction (unless you have a small sample size)
  • In sample gets worse with tighter priors, out of sample gets better with tighter priors

  • Regularizing priors -> for pure prediction uses, you can tune the prior using cross-validation

    • causal inference uses science to choose priors

Prediction Penalty

  • For N points, cross-validation requires fitting N models

    • feasible for few data points but for many data points gets unwieldy
  • Importance sampling (PSIS) and information criteria (WAIC) allow you to assess prediction penalty from one model posterior distribution (for predictive models)

  • WAIC, PSIS, cross-validation (CV) measure overfitting

    • regularization manages overfitting
  • Causal inference is not addressed by measuring or addressing overfitting

    • these tools are addressing the performance of a predictive model, not a causal model

    • should not select causal models based on these values because they are not associated with causality

  • these are all predictive metrics

Model Mis-selection

  • Do not use predictive criteria (WAIC, PSIS, CV) to choose a causal estimate

  • Predictive criteria prefer confounds and colliders

    • improve predictive accuracy

Outliers & Robust Regression

  • some points are more influential than others - ‘outliers’

  • outliers are information - don’t necessarily want to remove them

    • but they often have high leverage/weight because they are “surprising”

    • dropping outliers ignores the problem - predictions will still be bad

    • model is wrong, not the data

  • can quantify the influence of each point on the posterior distribution using cross-validation

  • can also use a mixture model/robust regression to address outliers

  • divorce rate example

    • Maine and Idaho are outliers in divorce/age relationship

    • quantify influence of outliers using PSIS k statistic or WAIC penalty term

    • unmodelled sources of variation cause outliers -> error distributions are not constant across the sample

      • assuming that the dataset has multiple error distributions, with the same mean but different variations indicates that you are using a student t-test

      • Gaussian distribution has extremely thin tails - very skeptical

      • student t distribution is much less skeptical, wider tails, much less influenced by outliers + more robust

d <- WaffleDivorce

# model
dat <- list(
    D = standardize(d$Divorce),
    M = standardize(d$Marriage),
    A = standardize(d$MedianAgeMarriage)

m5.3 <- quap(alist(
  D ~ dnorm(mu, sigma), 
  mu <- a + bM*M + bA*A,
  a ~ dnorm(0, 0.2),
  bM ~ dnorm(0, 0.5), 
  bA ~ dnorm(0, 0.5),
  sigma ~ dexp(1)
), data = dat)

m5.3t <- quap(alist(
  D ~ dstudent(2, mu, sigma), 
  mu <- a + bM*M + bA*A,
  a ~ dnorm(0, 0.2),
  bM ~ dnorm(0, 0.5), 
  bA ~ dnorm(0, 0.5),
  sigma ~ dexp(1)
), data = dat)

Robust Regressions

  • unobserved heterogeneity in sample -> mixture of Gaussian errors

    • thicker tails means model is less surprised/more robust
  • hard to choose distribution of student t-test because extreme values are rare - can test multiple values and select based on that, reporting all after

  • student-t regression can be a good default for undertheorized domains

    • because Gaussian distribution is so skeptical


  • what is the next observation from the same process? = prediction

  • possible to make very good predictions without knowing causes

  • optimizing prediction does not reliably reveal causes