Lecture 14 - Correlated Features


Isabella C. Richmond


April 17, 2024

Rose / Thorn



Add Correlated Features

  • when you build models that can identify correlation between features you can use partial pooling between those correlated features

  • one prior distribution for each cluster

    • one feature: one dimensional distribution (varying intercepts)

      • \(\alpha_j \sim Normal(\bar{\alpha}, \sigma)\)
    • two features: two-D distribution (often use multivariate normal distribution - have mean and variation but also correlation between the parameters)

      • \([\alpha_j, \beta_j] \sim MVNormal([\bar{\alpha}, \bar{\beta}], \Sigma)\)
    • N features: N-dimensional distribution

      • \(\alpha_{j, 1..N} \sim MVNormal(A, \Sigma)\)
  • hard part: learning associations, requires more data than learning means or standard deviations

Multivariate Prior

  • \(C_i \sim Bernoulli(p_i)\)

  • \(logit(p_i) = \alpha_{D[i]} + \beta_{D[i]}U_i\)

  • \(\alpha_j \sim Normal(\bar{\alpha}, \sigma)\)

  • \(\beta_j \sim Normal(\bar{\beta}, \tau)\)

  • \(\bar{\alpha}, \bar{\beta} \sim Normal(0, 1)\)

  • \(\sigma, \tau \sim Exponential(1)\)

  • if we collapse the two hyperparameters we can explore the correlation between them - multivariate

  • \([\alpha_j, \beta_j] \sim MVNormal([\bar{\alpha}, \bar{\beta}], R, [\sigma, \tau])\)

  • vector of features for cluster j

  • vector of means the same length of the number of features

  • correlation matrix (R)

  • vector of standard deviations, one for each feature

  • \(R \sim LKJCorr(4)\)

  • LKJ is a prior specifically for correlation matrices

    • bigger values are more skeptical
# non-centered varying slopes with and without covariance

dat <- list(
    C = d$use.contraception,
    D = as.integer(d$district),
    U = d$urban,
    A = standardize(d$age.centered),
    K = d$living.children )

# no covariance
mCDUnc <- ulam(
        C ~ bernoulli(p),
        logit(p) <- a[D] + b[D]*U,
        # define effects using other parameters
        save> vector[61]:a <<- abar + za*sigma,
        save> vector[61]:b <<- bbar + zb*tau,
        # z-scored effects
        vector[61]:za ~ normal(0,1),
        vector[61]:zb ~ normal(0,1),
        # ye olde hyper-priors
        c(abar,bbar) ~ normal(0,1),
        c(sigma,tau) ~ exponential(1)
    ) , data=dat , chains=4 , cores=4 )
  • it is hard to learn the correlation from any finite sample

  • LKJ correlation matrix priors - prior for correlation matrices

    • tends to have shapes

    • can be skeptical of extreme correlations

# covariance - centered
mCDUcov <- ulam(
        C ~ bernoulli(p),
        logit(p) <- a[D] + b[D]*U,
        # define effects using other parameters
        transpars> vector[61]:a <<- v[,1],
        transpars> vector[61]:b <<- v[,2],
        # priors - centered correlated varying effects
        matrix[61,2]:v ~ multi_normal(abar,Rho,sigma),
        vector[2]:abar ~ normal(0,1),
        corr_matrix[2]:Rho ~ lkj_corr(4),
        vector[2]:sigma ~ exponential(1)
    ) , data=dat , chains=4 , cores=4 )
  • centering vs non-centering to increase efficiency of models

    • centered = priors of priors (parameters inside the priors)

    • non-centered = changing model to not have hyper-priors (but be mathematically equivalent) to have increased efficiencies – using z scores

# covariance - non-centered
mCDUcov_nc <- ulam(
        C ~ bernoulli(p),
        logit(p) <- a[D] + b[D]*U,
        # define effects using other parameters
        # this is the non-centered Cholesky machine
        transpars> vector[61]:a <<- abar[1] + v[,1],
        transpars> vector[61]:b <<- abar[2] + v[,2],
        transpars> matrix[61,2]:v <-
            compose_noncentered( sigma , L_Rho , Z ),
        # priors - note that none have parameters inside them
        # that is what makes them non-centered
        matrix[2,61]:Z ~ normal( 0 , 1 ),
        vector[2]:abar ~ normal(0,1),
        cholesky_factor_corr[2]:L_Rho ~ lkj_corr_cholesky( 4 ),
        vector[2]:sigma ~ exponential(1),
        # convert Cholesky to Corr matrix
        gq> matrix[2,2]:Rho <<- Chol_to_Corr(L_Rho)
    ) , data=dat , chains=4 , cores=4 )
  • nice to compare prior to posterior distribution to make sure the model learned something

  • correlated varying effects models are easier to fit in Bayesian framework

  • priors learn correlation structure - sometimes the research question is about this

  • varying effects can be correlated even if the prior doesn’t learn the correlations

    • if you don’t account for it you just won’t have a parameter for it and thus partial pooling for it

Inconvenient Posteriors

  • transforming priors can help with divergent transitions because it changes the shape of the model

  • brms uses non-centered priors as default in multilevel models

    • not always better
  • centered and non-centered priors are better in different contexts

    • centered: lots of data in each cluster (data probability dominant)

    • non-centered: many clusters, sparse evidence (prior dominant)