Lecture 18 - Missing Data


Isabella C. Richmond


May 5, 2023

Rose / Thorn



Missing Data

  • observed data is a special case - we trick ourselves into believing there is no error
  • missing data = some cases unobserved
  • not totally missing - they have constraints and relationships to other variables


  • dropping cases with missing values is sometimes justifiable
  • right thing to do depends upon causal assumptions
  • imputation is often beneficial/necessary
  • Bayesian imputation: compute posterior probability distribution of missing values
  • Marginalizing unknowns: averaging over distribution of missing values

Bayesian Imputation

  • causal model of all variables implies strategy for imputation

  • sometimes imputation is unnecessary, e.g., discrete parameters

  • sometimes imputation is easier, e.g., censored observations

Imputing Primates

  • missing values already have probability distributions

  • express causal model for each partially-observed variable

  • replace each missing value with a parameter

  • not the same as non-Bayesian imputation

    • that generates datasets and runs the model multiple times

    • this estimates probability distributions using other parameters and relationships

  • imputation without relationships among predictors is risky